Supported Housing Centre at Bythesea Lodge in Wiltshire

Situated in the centre of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Bythesea Lodge’s close proximity to the job centre, public transport and local college provides a wealth of training and job opportunities. This supported housing centre is ideal for young adults who are ready to find work but need some support whilst they prepare for and settle into a work environment.

Up to 30 young adults can stay at Bythesea Lodge at any one time in shared bedrooms.  The focus is on helping them build the skills and confidence to find work and move on to independent living. While taking part in the Amber programme, they may help with community projects, attend the local college or undertake a work placement with a local company.

Everyone at Bythesea Lodge has the opportunity to spend time on our narrow boat, the Mary Rose. The boat provides opportunities for young adults to enjoy the peace of being on the water while improving their team-building skills and gaining experience in boat handling.

Our close links with local companies and organisations are important to us and young adults value the confidence and skills they gain from working with them.


“Amber always provide a very helpful and useful group of volunteers, they not only do discos but barbecues, brook clearing, gardening for the elderly and many other activities. The local community groups know that they can rely on Amber to help whenever they are able.” – Maryrose Mantle, Community Development Officer, Trowbridge Town Council.


If you’re unemployed and homeless in Wiltshire or anywhere in the UK, sofa surfing or struggling with where you are living. Bythesea Lodge, our supported housing service, can help you get back on your feet.

To enquire about a place at Bythesea Lodge for yourself, or a young person you are working with, please contact Ed Nelson.


Tel: 01225 759902

Mobile: 07500 894 354



Address: Bythesea Lodge, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8HR.

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Two men playing table tennis in the sunshine
Young woman and two young men on the Mary Rose canal boat